Cash from your approved application can use to pay off credit card debt, invest in home improvements, taking a special vacation, or paying for an engagement ring or wedding expenses. Taking a personal loan can be a smart way to consolidate high-interest rate balances under one monthly rate.
APPLY NOWYou have a $100,000 invoice with 30-day terms The lender gives you 90% of your invoice amount, equaling $90,000.00 while holding the remaining amount of $10,000, in reserve. Once the invoice is paid, the customer then pays a financing fee of 3% The factoring fee is applied, which in this scenario is 1% per week — for three weeks the 3% factoring fee equals $3000.00 The lender then returns the remaining 10k
Your actual monthly payment will vary based on business credit and the terms and conditions of your loan offer (which includes your APR, loan amount, term, and origination fee). APR can range from 4-35%. The example above is provided for illustrative purposes only; your experience may be different.
Signed Application
B2B Invoices
3 months of bank statements
Minimum of 5k monthly revenue
Voided Business Check